Join us for a 1-2 mile walk with stops along the way for music, ecology & celebration. Come to enjoy & learn about the wonders of the Little River watershed and the impacts from the proposed industrial Nordic Aquafarms project.
Starts (and finishes) at Belfast Water District Parking Lot: 285 Northport Ave (Hwy 1), Belfast
Rain or Shine • All Ages Welcome
*If you cannot join for the duration of the event, you are welcome to meet us at the end of the walk (around 4pm at the parking lot) for music, snacks, celebration and to learn about ways to get involved!
May 28th Tour Guides
Cloe Chunn - Maine Master Naturalist Program, Registered Guide, Conservationist and Author
Ellie Daniels - Belfast business owner, Little River Advocate
Jim Merkel - Engineer, Sustainability Educator
Music by Celtic Jam